Medication Policy

All medications administered at school require prescriber and parent/guardian written permission. Please click here for the Medication Administration Consent Form.

The School Administration and Medical Staff of Springfield Township have developed a Medication Policy in the interest of protecting our children, as well as maintaining the integrity of our staff. The administration and staff of your school join the School District in urging the families of our students to follow these guidelines. The regulations were not designed to make the process of dispensing medications in school difficult for the parents - rather, to make the school environment safe for all students.

In brief: all medications, must be sent to the School Nurse in the original container from the pharmacy, marked with the student’s name, name of medication, time and dose. A written note giving the reason, time and dose, as well as permission to give the drug to the child, must accompany the medication. Unless prearranged with the school nurse, all medication will be kept in a locked cabinet in the Nurse's Office. Medications will not be given to the student without the written permission of the parent and doctor. If the doctor writes a prescription, please ask for a duplicate for the School Nurse to keep on file if the medication is to be administered during school hours. This duplicate should be sent to school with the medication in the above-mentioned manner. This policy applies to both prescription and non-prescription medications.

Here are answers to some Medication Policy Frequently Asked Questions.  Should you have additional questions, please contact your school nurse.