Outcomes & Goals

Profile of a Graduate

In Springfield Township, we are committed to ensuring our students exit high school with the cognitive, personal and interpersonal skills and competencies to be successful in whichever paths they choose after graduation.  This is clarified through our shared vision and creation of the Profile of a Graduate. 

Students in Springfield Township need to have the skills and competencies which allow them to navigate a rapidly changing world around them.  Academic content is embedded throughout the teaching and learning, however, for successful learning to have occurred the students will need to apply it in various situations to engage in purposeful collaboration and solve complex problems outside of the classroom.  

A circle of different blues in each is a category: Critical thinker, effective communicator, creative problem solver, self motivated learner, and global citizen

Profile of a Graduate
Skills & Competencies Students will:
Critical Thinker Analyze, reflect and persist in creating solutions which will support ideas
Effective Communicator Listen, articulate and contribute ideas that add value to collaborative learning
Creative Problem Solver Create and innovate by risk-taking, making mistakes and valuing the ideas of others
Self Motivated Learner Demonstrate curiosity beyond curricular boundaries, creating personal challenges aligned to passions, skills and interests
Global Citizen Engage actively within communities, respectful of varied perspectives about how others view the world

Springfield Township Middle School Exit Goals

In order to align to the Profile of a Graduate exit competencies, Springfield Township Middle School has created exit outcomes for eighth grade in each of the Profile of a Graduate categories. 

Critical Thinker

  • The critical thinker in 8th grade crafts a claim independently and supports the claim with relevant and reliable evidence. 
  • The critical thinker in 8th grade reflects and poses questions to clarify ideas, build knowledge, and explore ideas.
  • The critical thinker in 8th grade persists through complex problems using models, frameworks, and multi-step processes as scaffolds.
  • The critical thinker in eighth-grade seeks out the points of view of others and responds academically and empathetically

Effective Communicator

  • The effective communicator in 8th grade intentionally uses words and visuals that clearly communicate an idea or information to a specific purpose and audience. 
  • The effective communicator in 8th grade listens for meaning, understanding, and connection and asks for clarification when needed.
  • The effective communicator in 8th grade responsibly selects tools and technology to access, evaluate, and communicate information for different tasks and purposes. 
  • The effective communicator in 8th grade listens and contributes ideas to collaborative learning environments. Contributions respect the perspectives of others and add meaning to the discussion.

Creative Problem-Solver

  • The creative problem-solver in 8th grade explores different problem solving approaches and strategies. 
  • The creative problem-solver in 8th grade perseveres by using processes that lead to improvements upon their work and utilizing second-chances in both academic and social settings.
  • The creative problem-solver in 8th grade uses their strengths, interests, and inventiveness to break both personal and academic problems down into manageable steps. 
  • The creative problem-solver in 8th grade listens and collaborates with peers to solve complex problems.

Self-Motivated Learner

  • The self-motivated learner in 8th grade identifies and reflects upon their strengths and areas of growth.
  • The self-motivated learner in 8th grade uses a growth mindset to set both personal and academic goals.
  • The self-motivated learner in 8th grade advocates for their own learning by making use of a variety of resources, opportunities, and trusted adults. 
  • The self-motivated learner in 8th grade utilizes feedback from peers and teachers to improve their work.

Global Citizen

  • An 8th grade global citizen recognizes their individuality and impact as an active participant in the local community.
  • An 8th grade global citizen reflects on how the thoughts and beliefs of others influence and challenge their own beliefs.
  • An 8th grade global citizen takes responsibility for their actions and reflects upon their personal impact on their communities.
  • An 8th grade global citizen engages respectfully with diverse members of teams.